Tag: Consistency Involvement

Retirement Threats — Part 4 — With Russell Carpentieri

Retirement Threats — Part 4 — With Russell Carpentieri

Our lifestyle plays a major role in defining our standard of living. It also impacts how we envision our retirements.

That’s why, along with the financial, it’s important to consider lifestyle planning as part of your retirement planning process.

In this episode, Iván Watanabe chats with Russell Carpentieri about the lifestyle component of retirement planning. Russell gives valuable advice around lifestyle planning for retirement and highlights the importance of advanced planning and having a disciplined savings strategy.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The importance of consistency and discipline when preparing and saving for retirement 
  • The advantages and disadvantages of lifestyle planning for retirement 
  • Russell’s advice for retirees and pre-retirees 
  • About Russell’s own retirement planning journey  
  • And more!

Tune in today and find out how proactive planning can help you protect your lifestyle throughout your retirement!

Retirement Threats Mini-Series: 


Historical podcasts are for informational purposes only and may not be the current opinions of the speakers.  Although the information was accurate at the time it may no longer be applicable.  These podcasts are intended for general public use. By providing this content, Park Avenue Securities LLC and your financial representative are not undertaking to provide investment advice or make a recommendation for a specific individual or situation, or to otherwise act in a fiduciary capacity.