Tag: Lou Mohn

Instilling Work Ethic & Charity Within a Financially Advantaged Family

Instilling Work Ethic & Charity Within a Financially Advantaged Family

While we work hard to provide financial security for our children, it’s still important that we set them up for success by guiding them towards the right financial mindsets and behaviors.

In this episode, Iván Watanabe and Lou Mohn explore ways we can teach our kids crucial financial lessons — even when they’re raised in a financially secure environment. Lou shares his personal insight and tips for parenting around finances and reveals the financial lessons he’s taught his sons along the way.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Early financial lessons Lou Mohn taught his children
  • Why you should let your child make mistakes
  • The importance of your child’s happiness
  • How to teach your kids about charitable giving
  • And more!

Discover concepts both parents and children should know in this episode of Wealth Style Podcast!

Resources: Opus Private Client, LLC 

What it’s Like Working With Opus Private Client

What it’s Like Working With Opus Private Client

As an Opus Private Client planner and partner, Lou Mohn provides clients with personalized comprehensive financial planning by drawing not only on his knowledge and expertise, but also on his first-hand experience in working with Opus PC as a client himself.

Today, Lou joins Iván Watanabe to share his experience of working with Opus PC as a client, and why it inspired him to pursue a career as an advisor so he, too, could provide clients with the wealth, lifestyle, and purpose they seek.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How working with Opus PC changed Lou’s life
  • What the Opus PC planning process looks like
  • Why time spent planning up front will provide you value later on
  • How Opus’ planning can help you get through hard times 
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn about Lou’s journey with Opus PC — and what their planning process could bring you, too, as an Opus PC client!

Resources: Opus Private Client, LLC